Lab Cluster Drives
We have two institutionally supported storage volumes on the HPC cluster.
This drive uses a standard (two-month) backup plan. .
This drive is for easily sharing data with lab members and the place to store data/analysis (not personal files) that anyone else in the lab might ever need to work with. So keep this place organized!
Raw and archival data belong in /hpc-troutman/data within the appropriate sub-directories. ALL lab funded fastq files must be immediately archived in /data/hpc-troutman/data/archive and the location deposited in Sequencing Sample Database. Common tag directories or bam files passing standard QC steps should be organized in /data/hpc-troutman/data/processed
and logged in the database. Genome builds are found in /data/hpc-troutman/data/genomes.
Analysis and results belong in /data/hpc-troutman/member/<username>/
. Ty doesn’t care if you look through his analyses and code (don’t edit or delete anything). Other people don’t like snooping on their computer files. Be courteous, get permission before digging into personal directories on /data/hpc-troutman/member/.
We currently have 7 TB of space here. Expansion is supported by CCHMC, as described. Don’t store unnecessary redundant files or sam files here. Use /data/troutman-nobackup/<username>
if needed for temporary storage of sam files.
This drive is not backed up!
is for bursty applications that exceed space limits in your personal scratch folder. We have 10 TB of space here and can expand when warranted. You may be requested to purge your files when the drive approaches capacity. Organization is not required.
Ty Troutman and Melissa Mingler are authorizers for both /data/hpc-troutman
and /data/troutman-nobackup
. Either can grant/revoke access permissions. Access is managed using the permissions software located at here. Your login information is the same as your network id and password.
Connect to the CCHMC cluster by following the instructions here. Network drives can be mapped to your local computer:
- PC via
- Mac via
- More detailed instructions are here and here
If you want to request a new storage volume for research data on the cluster, or manage space for an existing one, visit the BMI Store. If you need to request access to a storage volume which is accessible from the cluster, you can do so here.